Newsletter 18 February 2022


1st February 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Wishing you all a happy and restful half term! I cannot believe how the 7 weeks have raced by! Thank you to all the parents and carers I spoke with on Thursday for your support and understanding regarding the Local Authority decision to close all schools. I really appreciate the school staff being so proactive and uploading work for the day.


Parent Survey

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have kindly completed the parent survey 2022. We are very grateful to you for taking the time to complete it and also adding your views in the comments box. We use the Ofsted parent survey questions and we do value your thoughts and feedback.

We have an open door policy at the school and I cannot emphasise enough the importance of talking with us. That is one of the many reasons I am outside before and after school.

Although I fully appreciate surveys are anonymous I would encourage any parents and carers who selected disagree or strongly disagree to speak with us. It saddens me that we may not have been made aware of the matter.

There will be times where a high percentage of parents and carers agree with decisions but one or two don’t. Decisions are carefully considered and discussed at all levels.

We are very pleased with the results but will never take this for granted and will always endeavour to work with you all as best as we possibly can.

The survey results have been uploaded on the parents section of our website.


Parent Evenings

Thank you to all parents and carers for booking an appointment and the staff for the time and preparation for the meetings. We were disappointed that we were unable to meet in person and hope that this will be the last time we have to do it this way. Thank you for your support and understanding.


School Website

Our school website contains a lot of information about the school and what the children are learning. Please do take the time to visit it regularly for information and updates. We try to make it as accessible as possible for all and encourage families to use our google translate option to translate information.


Ash Wednesday

Father Tom is kindly leading a KS2 Ash Wednesday service on the 2nd March at St George’s Church at 10:30am, Parents and carers are invited to join us. The KS1 children will attend a Liturgy at the school.


World Book Day

Just a reminder we have World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. The children and staff will be wearing their pyjamas for the day with the theme ‘Bedtime Story’.


School Library

Mrs Earp has asked me to inform KS1 parents that due to the school closure on Friday 18th February she was unable to open the library for the KS1 children. She will kindly open it for KS1 children on Monday 28th February at lunchtime in readiness for World Book Day.


Class 5 Kilve Trip

Class Five will be going to Kilve for a three day residential on Wednesday 2nd February. We know they will have a brilliant time and will enjoy many activities including archery, grass sledging and much more! Enjoy!



Mr C has asked me to remind parents and carers that Sea horses will be swimming the first week back!


Wishing you all a happy and restful half term!


Best wishes,


Mark Braund