15 October 2020


15th October 2020

Newsletter 15 October 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,


Parents Evening

Thank you to all who have successfully booked an appointment for our Parent Evening phone call on Tuesday 20th October from 4pm – 6:30pm and Parent Morning phone call on Friday 23rd October from 9am-12:30pm. The closing date for booking an appointment is Sunday 18th October. Please phone the school if you have any issues with booking a slot. 


Wear Red Day – Show Racism The Red Card

Just a reminder that we will be inviting our children to wear red to school on Friday 16th October in support of showing racism the red card. We are asking the children for a £1 donation and will send the total money collected to the Show Racism The Red Card Charity.


Car Park

I am extremely grateful for your support and the support of the staff in ensuring that the children arrive at school and leave the school as safely as possible.

Can I please remind parents and carers to stay by your cars at the end of the school day. By not following this process, it can block the safe return of children to their parent/carer. What has been a huge help are the pedestrians keeping right along the swimming pool playground fence and the fence by Reception Class. Another huge help have been the pedestrians that stay in a similar position every day. I instantly know where Mollie and Daniel’s dad will be stood and this helps speed up the process.

The Jack and Jess signs are also a huge help! Please keep using them. I will continue to write a list of the parents and carers in their cars on the far side of the playground and return the children to the cars as quickly as possible.



Just a reminder that we will be posting a Harvest Festival Celebration video on Google Classroom on Thursday 22nd October. I had the pleasure of watching Class Two film their clip and it was delightful. Please can I remind you that this is an internal school production and must not be shared on social media. Sadly we cannot ask for and sell produce this year. Instead, we would be grateful for a donation that will be split between a homeless charity and CAFOD. Cash donations may be brought in and will be left in isolation for a week. Parents and carers can also make a donation to our school account and Mrs Gordge will transfer the money. Please enter ‘CAFOD’ or ‘CHARITY DONATION’ if you are transferring money, as this will help Mrs Gordge to allocate the money correctly. Our account detail are:


Sort Code: 30-98-45

Account No: 02887152


School Photos

We will be having the school photographer visit on Friday 6th November. Unfortunately the photographer is only able to take individual photos this year.



Just a reminder that the nurses are visiting St George’s on Tuesday 3rd November to give the flu immunisation nasal spray for the whole school. It is vital that parents and carers complete the consent form on https://saint.sompar.nhs.uk/flu/2020/west.  The link will close at least one week prior to the session date and so it is recommended that you complete the consent form as soon as possible.

The system has changed this year and we cannot monitor what parents and carers have completed the registration online.



Mufti Day on Friday 13th November

The School Fundraising Team will be running a raffle this year.

For this we will be having a Mufti Day on Friday 13th November and will be asking for donations of things to be made into hampers for the raffle.

We would like these types of items from each year group:

Reception class – Soaps / candles

Class 1 – Toys for girls

Class 2 – Toys for boys

Class 3 – Something sweet

Class 4 – Something savoury

Class 5 – Something for Mums

Class 6 – Something for Dads


Best wishes


Mark Braund
