3rd February 2023 - Newsletter


February 2023

3rd February 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

As you may have heard, on Tuesday we had a very important phone call from an HMI Ofsted Inspector to say she would like to visit our school. The call wasn’t unexpected – as a staff, we knew that like many local schools, we were overdue an inspection. Although it is inevitably a little nerve-inducing to have an inspector come in and make a judgement on our school, as a staff we are passionate about providing our pupils with fantastic and wide-ranging opportunities for learning. This is our first inspection under this Ofsted Framework, and my first as the Headteacher here at St George’s. Overall, the process felt supportive and we hope the report, which will be released in a few week’s time, will reflect the positive relationships between staff and pupils, and our passion and enthusiasm to help our children to grow and develop in mind, body and spirit and have the cultural capital to succeed in life. The teaching team at this school are so hardworking and motivated to provide the best outcomes they can for our pupils. We know that we will have next steps to address in order to improve the quality of education even further for our pupils, and we see this as such a positive thing. After all, we give our pupils next steps in their learning every day. I will look forward to sending a copy of the report to parents when it is available, and as a staff we are enthused to continue refining and improving our practice with the best interests of the children in mind.

I would like to thank all parents who completed the parent survey, the results of which were overwhelmingly positive. As always, we would encourage you to get in touch if you feel your child needs support or you would like to discuss any issues further.


Parent’s Evenings

Parent’s evening will take place next week on Monday 6th and Wednesday 8th February. This will be for all classes except Year 1, as the class teacher is new to the year group and is still getting to know the children. Online booking closes at 9pm on Sunday evening. Parent’s evening is an excellent opportunity for us to inform you of how your child is getting on at school, and for you to ask the class teacher any questions you may have.


School Disco/Movie Night

We were incredibly sorry to postpone the school disco and movie night. This was for logistical reasons, related to the timetable of the inspection. We fully intend to re-arrange this event, and will send out some information relating to this soon. It will be held after half-term, with the new date still to be confirmed.


Updated Contact Details

Occasionally, the school office needs to get in touch with parents about the child. It is vital that we have up to date contact information for all families so that we can provide your child with the best care, and we can inform you of any incidents or emergencies. Please can you contact the school office as soon as possible if you have had a change of phone number, email or home address.


Sale of Pre-owned Uniform

There will be a sale of pre-owned uniform at 2.30pm on Friday 10th February. This will take place on the KS1 playground. In the meantime, if you have any school uniform (in good condition only please) that your child has outgrown, you are welcome to add it to the sale.


Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Monday 6th February – Parents’ Evening 5.00 pm – 7.30 pm

Wednesday 8th February – Parents’ Evening 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm

Saturday 11th February – Monday 20th Feb – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)

Monday 20th February – INSET DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED

Tuesday 21st February – SCHOOL OPEN

Wednesday 22nd February – Ash Wednesday