5th January 2024 - Newsletter


5th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

A very big ‘Happy New Year’ to you all and I am pleased to report that the children have settled back to their school routine very nicely this week. Although it has been a short week, the staff and children were busy and working hard when I popped into classes to say hello on Thursday. The weather has been quite rainy and unsettled recently and it was lovely to see a bit of sunshine today.

Looking ahead, the temperatures are set to drop in comparison to the unseasonably mild temperatures we have been having recently. Please can I ask that you ensure your child comes to school in a suitably warm coat, and you may wish to dig out any hats/scarves/gloves that you have lurking around at home. In dry weather, the children spend about an hour outside throughout the school day and on occasions, and in colder temperatures, the children get quite shivery if they have lighter jackets on. We appreciate your support with this. If any of our families are struggling to afford a warmer coat, please do get in touch with the school office. The staff are very discreet, and we may be able to assist you with this.


Christmas Hamper Raffle 2023

Thank you to our PSG for their time and effort in organising this year’s Christmas Hamper prizes. I am happy to report that they raised £1,000! This is a fantastic achievement, and we are so grateful to them, and to our St George’s Community, who support the school so tirelessly. We feel very blessed to have such a generous community around us.


School Lunch Boxes

We would like to provide parents with some information on providing healthy and balanced lunchboxes for their children. According to nutritionists, children who eat a healthy, balanced lunch in school are better able to concentrate and learn. Good food habits are set early in childhood and can last a lifetime. As lunches provide around one third of our daily nutritional needs, ensuring they are healthy and balanced is a big step in ensuring your child eats well and is ready to learn at school. More information and healthy lunch ideas are provided in the links below:

We hope you will find this information useful.


https://www.safefood.net/education/healthy-lunchboxes (Poster included in English and Polish.)


https://www.nhs.uk/healthier-families/recipes/healthier-lunchboxes/ (Recipes included!)


Updated Contact Details

Occasionally, the school office needs to get in touch with parents about their child. It is vital that we have up to date contact information for all families so that we can provide your child with the best care, and we can inform you of any incidents or emergencies. Please can you contact the school office as soon as possible if you have had a change of phone number, email or home address and we will update your child’s records immediately.


Amenities/Swimming Contributions

Please can I remind all parents and carers that each year, we ask for a voluntary contribution of

£10 per term per child for swimming, and £10 per term for each family for School Amenities.

The school has always traditionally asked parents and carers for an amenity contribution. The Amenities Fund allows the school to give children extra opportunities and experiences such as visiting artists, performers, and sport companies. We feel it is crucial that the children continue to have these WOW moments and with the rising costs of funding school everts and maintaining and running the swimming pool, we would really appreciate your contribution to allow this to continue.


Payments for Swimming and Amenities can be paid online, details are as follows:


Bank Account Number: 02887152 Sort-Code: 30-98-45

Please quote reference S for Swimming and A for Amenities



Best wishes,



Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Wednesday 10th January – Start of Term Mass in Church – 9.30am – Parents welcome.

Tuesday, 23rd January – Chaplaincy Commissioning Service held at St George’s Church – 2pm. Parents of Chaplains are welcome to attend.

Wednesday 24th January – Year 2 attending Parish Mass – 9.30am at Church – Parents welcome.

Wednesday 31st January - Year 4 attending Parish Mass – 9.30am at Church – Parents welcome.

Monday 5th February – Parent’s Evening – 5pm – 7.30pm

Tuesday 6th February – Parent’s Evening – 3pm – 5.30 pm

Saturday 10th February – SCHOOL CLOSED FOR HALF-TERM

Monday 19th February – SCHOOL OPEN