Newsletter 25th November 2022


25th November 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School


We were lucky enough to have several members from our Governing Body visit the school on Wednesday morning to see Maths in action in the classrooms. Mrs Gavins (our Maths Lead) and I went along for the learning walk, and we were all suitably impressed by the wonderful learning taking place in each year group and by the exemplary behaviour of the children. Pupils are proud of their work and confident to talk about what they are doing in Maths, and the progress children make in each year group was evident for all to see. Our younger learners benefit from continuous provision, where teacher input is followed by a few linked activities for children to explore numbers and develop their skills in all areas of the EYFS curriculum. In KS1, children’s number sense and number skills are developed to encourage greater independence in their learning, and key ideas and skills are revisited so they are embedded. In KS2, the children learn collaboratively, working both with partners and independently and show confidence and perseverance in tackling a challenging curriculum with a positive learning mindset. In all classes, children are well supported by skilled practitioners who have high expectations of what they can achieve as learners and to develop their skills and confidence. I am very proud to be the Headteacher of a school where the staff put the children first and pupils have the best opportunities to grow and develop as learners.


Flu Immunisation

Please can I remind all parents and carers that the nurses are visiting St George's on Tuesday to give the flu nasal spray for the whole school. It is vital that if you haven’t already completed the consent form that you do so using the following link  and enter the school’s unique code: SM123851.

This link will close on the morning of TUESDAY 29TH NOVEMBER. If you are unable to access the online consent form for any reason, please contact Somerset SAINT for assistance on 0300 3230032.

Scarlet Fever awareness

We have had many children off school with high temperatures, sore throats and coughs. This week we have had a few confirmed cases of scarlet fever. High temperatures, sore throats and rashes are symptoms of scarlet fever. If your child is suffering from any of these symptoms please contact your GP surgery for further advice, as treatment may be needed. Please find below a link to the NHS website which will also give you further information on scarlet fever.


Mr Chidgey has asked me to remind all parents and carers to ensure that your child always has a swimming hat and goggles for their swimming lessons clearly marked with their name on.


Lost Property

Mr Davies found a Morrisons carrier bag a few weeks ago which was left by the school gates and has still not been claimed, he has also handed in two plastic watches which were found on the floor by the door to the swimming pool. If you are aware of any such items being lost please contact the school office.


Christmas Raffle

Thank you to everyone who brought an item for the Christmas Raffle prize hampers. The Parent Support Group will be busy putting these together in time for our prize draw, which will take place in the last week of term. Two booklets per child/eldest child for the Christmas raffle have gone home in book bags tonight. Tickets are £1 each. Please contact the office if you would like any extra booklets, However, if you are unable to sell these then please can you return them to school as soon as possible. We are so grateful for the support of our community in raising money for the school, whether it’s volunteering as part of the PSG, or buying raffle tickets for a chance to win a prize, you are making a huge difference to our school.



 Reception Intake Applications

Time to start school? If you have a child born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019, then now is the time to apply for a place at our school for admission from September 2023 onwards. You must complete an application form that is available from the school admissions team at County Hall, Somerset County Council. Please ensure you apply by the closing date of 15 January 2023. If your child is Catholic, you must also provide a copy of the baptism certificate to the school by this date. 


Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday, 29th November – Flu Immunisations

Tuesday 6th December – EYFS Nativity at 2.30pm

Wednesday 7th December – KS1 Nativity 2pm matinee performance

Thursday 8th December – KS1 Nativity 6pm Performance

Tuesday 13th December – Christmas Dinner Day and Christmas Jumper Day

Wednesday, 14th December – Carol Concert at St George’s Church, 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Thursday 15th December – End of Term Mass in School, 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Thursday 5th January – Start of Term Mass in Church, 9.30 am. Parents welcome.

Friday 13th January – KS2 Disco / KS1 Movie Night – further information from the PSG soon

Friday 3rd February – KS1 Disco / KS2 Movie Night – further information from the PSG soon