10th May 2024 - Newsletter


10th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

It’s Friday already! I think we all enjoyed having a shorter week after the bank holiday weekend, and the sunshine has been quite rejuvenating. It is the right weather for suncream and sun hats, and we are grateful to parents for ensuring their child comes to school with adequate protection from the sun.

Today, we had the Tempest photographer in to take our annual Year 6 and Reception Class photos. These are very special milestones to mark, and I remember bringing home Jamie’s Reception Class photo like it was yesterday! I can’t believe how the last 7 years have flown. It is a reminder to us all to try to soak up every minute possible and celebrate the everyday memories with our children as, before you know it, they are preparing to go to Secondary School.

We also held our French ‘Lunch Bunch’ today. If you are new to the school, you may not know much about our Lunch Bunch sessions. Many years ago, the staff considered starting up a school council for our pupils. However, we didn’t like the idea of only a few children having the opportunity to represent their peers and it didn’t strike us as very inclusive. That is when the idea for the ‘Lunch Bunch’ was born. Every half-term, 2 children from each class are invited to come and share their ideas with staff on different themes. Different children are chosen each time, and every child will attend at least one Lunch Bunch in their time at St George’s. Furthermore, before the representatives attend, each class holds a class discussion on the chosen topic, and all children get to share their ideas in this session. These ideas are recorded and brought along to the Lunch Bunch by the class representatives, so we can truly say that it is an inclusive event with all perspectives considered. I feel so privileged to attend these sessions, and to share lunch and thoughtful discussions with pupils across the school. Thank you to Mrs Earp for organising today’s French themed Lunch Bunch, and to the children for their positive contributions.



Good luck to our Year 6 pupils, who are starting their KS2 SATs tests on Monday. The children here at St George’s are very well-rounded and staff and parents alike know that there is more to our pupils than the score they receive on a test. They are dancers, singers, swimmers, historians, geographers, artists, poets, sporting enthusiasts, musicians, and so much more. More importantly, we know our pupils will be measured in life on the kindness and care they have shown for others, long after their test scores are forgotten.

One of our Golden Rules here at St George’s is, ‘Work hard and try your best.’ Our Year 6 pupils do this every single day, and we are so proud of them. So, as we approach the tests, I would say to the children:

Believe in yourself – you have achieved so much in your time at St George’s, and we see you for the wonderful, creative, caring and enthusiastic people you are. This weekend, spend time with your families, enjoy the sunshine and do the things that make you happy. Get some fresh air, play games, and have fun. You have already put the hard work and effort in, so you can enjoy the weekend, knowing you have done enough. And remember to get an early night on Sunday and eat a good breakfast on Monday morning! You’ve got this.


Wraparound Care – Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club

We are now up and running with our new online booking system for the Breakfast and After School Clubs. To safeguard children well, we need to ensure our wraparound care is adequately staffed for the number of children in attendance. Therefore, places must be booked and paid for in advance to reserve a slot. We are aware that on the odd occasion, a parent may wish to book their child in for the After School Club on the same day. In instances like this, it is essential that you call the school to check if a space available and if so, the office staff will add your child to the attendance register and issue a charge to your account. Similarly, if you are running late, parents should call the school office to inform a member of staff of this. Thank you for your continued understanding and support.


Family Mass – Sunday 12th May 2024

You are all warmly invited to our ‘Family Mass’ this Sunday 12th May at St George’s Church, at 9.15am. This will be a Marian themed Mass in celebration of Our Lady, and the choir will lead the hymns. Reading parts have been handed out and Mrs Carpenter practiced with the children on Thursday afternoon. Please can parents ensure their child practices again over the weekend, to ensure they are confident to read in front of the congregation. We ask that you arrive just before 9am so we can seat the children together and make final preparations.



St George’s Summer Fete

Our Summer Fete will be returning this year on Saturday 6th July. We are currently recruiting parent volunteers to lend their ideas and support. Please let Elaine Anderson (Mia’s Mum – Year 6) or the office staff know if you would like to get involved. You can email the school office or speak to Mrs Gordge or Mrs Bradshaw in person, and they will add you to the sign-up sheet. It is a wonderful opportunity to support the school and to get to know some familiar faces from the school run. We will provide further details in the coming weeks and look forward to running what promises to be an exciting event.



Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Sunday 12th May – Family Mass at St George’s Church – 9.15am (Marian theme)

Week beginning Monday 13th May – Key Stage Two SATS Week

Thursday 16th May – Reception Class (EYFS) trip to Axe Valley Wildlife Park

Saturday 25th May – Start of Half-Term – SCHOOL CLOSED


Tuesday 4th June – SCHOOL REOPENS

Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th June – Year 6 Woodlands Residential Trip

Thursday 13th June – KS1 Sports Day – 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Thursday 13th June – Leavers’ Mass in Clifton for Year 6 pupils.

Monday 17th June – KS2 Sports Day - 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July – Year 4 Residential Trip to Pinkery

Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in St George’s Church – 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Friday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly – details to be confirmed.

Saturday 20th July – SCHOOL CLOSED for Summer Holidays