21 June 2024 - Newsletter

21st June 2024

Dear Parent and Carers

This Week in School

I am happy to say that the improvement in the weather this week meant that we could hold both our KS1 and KS2 Sports Days. It was wonderful to see so many parents in attendance and Mr C was very pleased with both events. It is nice to have a little competitive spirit at our sports days, but the children are reminded that the main aim of the day is taking part enthusiastically and having fun. The Year 6’s provided lots of support and helped the afternoons to run smoothly. It was great to see so many parents taking part in the parent races, and perhaps the

A lot of planning goes into organising these afternoons, and I would like to say a big thank you to Mr C and his trusty Year 6 helpers for their efforts. It is always lovely to finish these afternoons with an ice lolly for the children as a reward for their positive participation. We hope you enjoyed the events as much as we did! Mrs Bradshaw and Mr White have kindly offered to review the photos taken of the sports days and post them to a new Events page on the  google classroom. A joining code will be sent out to parents next week with a classroom code so your child can join and view the photos.


Parkrun Event - Saturday 28th at 9am at Longrun Meadow

A Message from Kate – Amelie (Year 2)  and Sophie’s Mum (Year 6)

In order to raise awareness of MND, in the light of the sad passing of Rob Burrow, Mrs Buck will be taking part in the Parkrun on her mobility scooter.

If children and carers are free and would like to help raise awareness of MND and support Mrs Buck, please come along wearing orange, blue, yellow, the colours of the MND charity and Rob Burrow’s rugby team.

Parkrun is a free, community event where you can spectate, walk, jog or run 5km. Anyone over 4 can register for parkrun. Under 11s must be accompanied by an adult. You can register for parkrun here https://www.parkrun.org.uk/register/. If you have any questions, please ask Kate.

If children and carers are free and would like to run/walk or jog 5km please sign up or come along and watch/cheer. We are suggesting people wear blue or orange, which are the colours of the MND charity.


St George’s Summer Fete – Saturday 6th July: RAINBOW RAFFLE

Thank you for the kind donations made towards the annual St George’s Summer Fete rainbow raffle prizes. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. Please check your child’s bookbag for two raffle ticket booklets. If you require any more than this, please see a member of the office team, who will happily assist you in gaining more booklets.


Year 2 Class Assembly- Wednesday 26th June

A reminder for our Year 2 parents you are warmly invited to come along to watch what is promising to be a fantastic class assembly next Wednesday. Doors open at 2.50pm for a 3pm start. I won’t give any spoilers, but Mrs Carpenter and Mrs Farthing were discussing it very enthusiastically in the staffroom and you will need to come and judge the talent for yourselves!


Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Tuesday 25th June – Year 1 Class Trip to Minehead

Wednesday 26th June – Year 2 Class Assembly at 3pm – Year 2 parents invited. Seats from 2.50pm.

Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July – Year 4 Residential Trip to Pinkery

Saturday 6th July – SUMMER FETE – 11am to 2.30pm

Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in St George’s Church – 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Friday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly – details to be confirmed.

Saturday 20th July – SCHOOL CLOSED for Summer Holidays