14th June 2024 - Newsletter

14th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

The weather was a bit of a washout this week, and we were very sorry to postpone our Key Stage One Sports Day on Thursday. This will now take place on Thursday 20th June instead and we apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused.

The Key Stage Two Sports Day is scheduled to take place this Monday 17th June, so please remember to send your KS2 child to school in their PE kit and we really hope to see you there – weather permitting! Please keep an eye on your emails in case the dreaded rain causes another cancellation. The back-up day for the KS2 races is Monday 24th June, although we hope not to have need of this.

On Tuesday, Mrs Crocker organised a fantastically fun day for the whole school as we celebrated our Science Wow day. The children were visited by a wacky scientist - Forensic Frank – who led a whole-school assembly and exciting workshops for every class. The day went off with a bang - pun intended!

On Thursday, Mr Hughes took the Year 6 children to their Leavers’ Mass at Clifton Cathedral in Bristol. It was a really poignant occasion and Mr Hughes and I were really impressed with how the children represented the school. They really were a credit to their teacher and parents. The Cathedral was packed to capacity and sadly there was no space for parents to attend, and we will be sending a few photos to Year 6 parents so they could see a little snapshot of the day.


St George’s Summer Fete

Our Summer Fete returns this year on Saturday 6th July and preparations are well underway. Thank you to all the parents who kindly offered their support – it is much appreciated, and it is reassuring to know many of our most popular stalls/events are returning.

There is still time to volunteer - speak to Mia’s Mum (Year 6 parent - Elaine Anderson) or pop to see the class teacher or a member of the office team to inform them that you can help and the message will be passed along. You may have an idea for a stall or a game you would like to run, or you may prefer to see what stalls need manning and offer to slot in where there is a need. Either way, we will be grateful for your help.


Non-Uniform Day – Friday 21st June – Rainbow Raffle

We will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 21st June in return for donations to our Summer Fete

Rainbow Raffle. Each class is assigned a specific colour for their donations:


Reception Class - Red

Class 1 - Orange

Class 2 - Yellow

Class 3 - Green

Class 4 - Blue

Class 5 - Purple

Class 6 – Pink


Donations can include chocolates, sweets, wine, candles, books etc. with packaging in your class colour.

These items will then be used to create some colourful hampers for our raffle!

Raffle tickets will be distributed prior to the fete for sale. Thank you in advance for your continued support, which is greatly appreciated.


Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Monday 17th June – KS2 Sports Day - 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Thursday 20th June – KS1 Sports Day – 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Tuesday 25th June – Year 1 Class Trip to Minehead

Wednesday 26th June – Year 2 Class Assembly at 3pm – Year 2 parents invited. Seats from 2.50pm.

Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July – Year 4 Residential Trip to Pinkery

Saturday 6th July – SUMMER FETE – 11am to 2.30pm

Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in St George’s Church – 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Friday 19th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly – details to be confirmed.

Saturday 20th July – SCHOOL CLOSED for Summer Holidays