24th January 2025 - Newsletter


24th January 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

We have some very exciting news to share with you this week. I am very pleased to let you know that Mr Chidgey, Mrs Eli and Mrs Buck took a group of children to participate in the County Athletics Finals on Thursday and through their hard work and fantastic sporting ability, they have achieved

1st Place! This means our St George’s Pupils now hold the title of County Champions!!

What a tremendous achievement, and I can assure you that Mr C was walking on air when he arrived back at school to share the news! It is a reminder to us that supporting and celebrating sport as a school does pay off, as does the hard work of the children and the staff who encourage and teach them in PE. We could not be prouder of them (pupils and staff alike) and it was very exciting to share the great news with the whole school in our Golden Book Assembly on Friday.

Mr Chidgey intends to hold a special awards ceremony next week to fully celebrate this momentous achievement and to officially hand out medals. Parents of the winning pupils will be invited to attend this. A separate email will go out with further details.


Jubilee Year 2025

Today was the launch day for the Jubilee Year of Hope and we celebrated this by having a special whole school worship together before our Golden Book Assembly. It was lovely to consider how we will answer the call of Pope Francis by participating actively in the Jubilee Year, both personally and as a whole school.

For those who are unaware, the Jubilee Year is a landmark moment in the life of the global church. School communities are invited to join together as pilgrims of hope, pledging to work together for God’s kingdom of justice, peace and love. We will make answering this call a regular feature of our whole school assemblies and celebrations of the Word this year to keep the momentum going and will keep you up to date with our progress.


Sunday Masses – Parking on School Grounds

As you may know, many parishioners use the school for parking on a Sunday when they attend Mass. We have been made aware that there were some issues with parking last Sunday, with some people parking inconsiderately and blocking exits/entrances. The Church have asked the school to issue a polite reminder around considerate parking on Sundays. You will notice the same reminder has been given to parishioners in the Church newsletter. You may find it necessary to park in the multi storey car park across the road on some busier occasions. The Church and the School are very keen to work together to encourage the celebration of faith and community on a Sunday, and we thank our parents wholeheartedly for their understanding in sharing our car park on these occasions.


Keeping Contact Details Up to Date

Occasionally, the school office needs to get in touch with parents about their child. It is important that we have up to date contact information for all families so that we can inform you of any incidents or emergencies. Please can you contact the school office as soon as possible if you have had a change of phone number, email or home address and we will update your child’s records as a matter of urgency. Thank you for your support with this.


I hope you have a restful weekend.


Best wishes,


Edwina McDonnell



Upcoming Dates:  

Wednesday 5th February – Year 4 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Thursday 6th February – Chaplaincy Commissioning Service at St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Monday 10th February – Parents’ Evening – 5 pm – 7.30 pm

Tuesday 11th February – Parents’ Evening – 3 pm – 5.30 pm

Wednesday 12th February – Year 5 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Saturday 15th February – SCHOOL CLOSED for half-term

Monday 24th February – SCHOOL REOPENS

Wednesday 26th February - Year 6 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Wednesday 5th March – Ash Wednesday – We will join the Parish Mass. All welcome

Wednesday 26th March – End of Term Mass in Church, 9.30am.

Wednesday 2nd April – Stations of the Cross – 9.30am in School. Parents Welcome.

Saturday 5th April – SCHOOL CLOSED for EASTER BREAK

Tuesday 22nd April – SCHOOL CLOSED - INSET DAY


Wednesday 23rd April – St George’s Day Mass in Church, 9.30am. Parents welcome.