17th January 2025 - Newsletter


17th January 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

It has been a quiet week in school and the staff and children have been diligently getting on with the business of teaching and learning. The Year 2 staff and pupils visited the Church this week on Wednesday to join in with the Parish Mass. I was delighted to hear that the children behaved wonderfully and those who had had readings were very confident in their delivery.

Later in the week, Mrs Earp led an inspiring assembly introducing the Live Simply Award, which is a CAFOD award the school is hoping to achieve. To do this, Mrs Earp has written an action plan for the school, which contains many steps towards enabling our school community to care for God's creation and stand in solidarity with our global family. Please visit our school website to learn more about this fantastic initiative. The information can be found under the RE tab >> Live Simply Award.


Traffic Road Works and the Car Park

We share your frustrations regarding the delays that are being caused by the road works that are taking place near the school. We know how busy life is, and how wearying it can be to sit in traffic. It is certainly one of life’s less enjoyable necessities!

We are aware that accessing the school grounds at drop off and collection times is taking a little longer at the minute, and although this is unavoidable, we are sorry that it is making life a little harder for our parents and carers. We hope the works will be completed soon, but in the meantime, we are grateful for your patience as you may have to wait a little longer queueing in the lane, or on the Mount. A polite reminder that we ask drivers to stay with their car in the lane and wait to park up and collect their child. When everyone adheres to the system, things run much more smoothly. To this day, Mr Braund still enquires if everything is going well with the car park. We are always happy when we can tell him that it is! He did such a wonderful job in setting up the system and we are so pleased as a town centre school to be able to offer unrivalled access to our school grounds for parents picking up and dropping off their children.


Temporary Cleaning Hours available at school

We still have some temporary cleaning hours available as we have a staff member who is unwell. The hours are after school Monday to Friday, and the school may be able to support with free childcare. If you believe you can support us with this, please get in touch with the school office.


Amenities and Swimming

Please can we remind you that this term’s contribution for your child’s swimming lessons - £10 per term per child, is due. Can we also remind you that the amenities contribution is due - £10 per term for each family, this allows us to fund our exciting extracurricular events such as theatre companies, performers and visiting artists. This should be paid to the school bank account, ending in 7152. Please quote reference ‘S’ for Swimming and ‘A’ for Amenities. Please contact the school office if you have any queries about this.


Dates for the Diary

I have added some key dates for the diary below. Do remember to check these regularly, as things are occasionally added.


Parent Support Group - School Disco

The children are very excited at the thought of attending the annual school disco, and we are looking for a few more parent volunteers to provide support. It would be wonderful to ensure that this much-loved event can go ahead, and we need your help to do that! Please get in touch with Laura (Mum of George and Jack in Year 5 and Year 1) or the office staff to let them know if you are available to lend your support. This could be with supervision of the disco, face painting, glitter face tattoos or preparation of food. It is likely that the KS1 and KS2 discos will be held on different evenings. We will provide further information (dates, logistics etc.) very soon, so watch this space!



I hope you have a restful weekend.


Best wishes,


Edwina McDonnell



Upcoming Dates:  

Wednesday 22nd January – Year 3 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Wednesday 5th February – Year 4 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Thursday 6th February – Chaplaincy Commissioning Service at St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Monday 10th February – Parents’ Evening – 5 pm – 7.30 pm and sale of pre-used uniform.

Tuesday 11th February – Parents’ Evening – 3 pm – 5.30 pm and sale of pre-used uniform.

Wednesday 12th February – Year 5 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Saturday 15th February – SCHOOL CLOSED for half-term

Monday 24th February – SCHOOL REOPENS

Wednesday 26th February - Year 6 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Wednesday 5th March – Ash Wednesday – We will join the Parish Mass. All welcome

Wednesday 26th March – End of Term Mass in Church, 9.30am.

Wednesday 2nd April – Stations of the Cross – 9.30am in School. Parents Welcome.

Saturday 5th April – SCHOOL CLOSED for EASTER BREAK

Tuesday 22nd April – SCHOOL CLOSED - INSET DAY


Wednesday 23rd April – St George’s Day Mass in Church, 9.30am. Parents welcome.