17th May 2024 - Newsletter


21st May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

Congratulations to our Year 6 pupils on finishing their KS2 SATs tests this week. It is another milestone on their journey to secondary school. The children worked very hard to prepare for the tests, and I would like to thank Mr Hughes, Mrs Hazeldine, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Armstrong who have supported the children along the way. The class celebrated with an ice-cream on Thursday afternoon, delivered by a local ice-cream van and organised and paid for by the Year 6 parents. It was a lovely treat and the children were very grateful to enjoy their ice-creams after a tiring few days.

On Wednesday, we held our annual KS1 and KS2 Marion Procession and Services. It is always lovely to celebrate Our Lady in the month of May, the Marion month, and this week the Year 6 pupils prayed to Mary every day before they started their tests, asking for her loving support and direction. Thank you to Mrs Weetch for organising the Marion event, which was as special as always.

On Thursday, Mrs Weetch and the EYFS team took our Reception Class pupils to Axe Valley Wildlife Park for their class trip. The class were so well behaved, and the staff at the park were so impressed with the children for representing their school so well.

On Friday, Year 2 visited the SS Great Britain in Bristol and Mrs Carpenter reported that the day out was a tremendous success. We are so pleased to be able to offer the children these opportunities to visit interesting and educational sites in the local area. Thank you to all staff and volunteers who contributed to planning and supervising both trips, ensuring that they were a success.

Please see photos of these events below.



Year 2 Non-Uniform Day

On Friday this week, we held a non-uniform day for the whole school to celebrate the end of the KS2 SATs tests. Our Year 2 pupils missed out on this as they were required to wear school uniform on their class trip, held on the same day. The lovely Mrs Carpenter would like to rectify this by offering them a chance to join in by wearing non-uniform this Monday 20th May. We feel this is especially appropriate, given that the Year 2 pupils themselves have been completing their Year 2 SATs this month.



St George’s Summer Fete

Our Summer Fete will be returning this year on Saturday 6th July and preparations are well underway. Thank you to all the parents who kindly offered their support this week– it is much appreciated, and it is reassuring to know many of our most popular stalls/events are returning.

There is still time to volunteer - speak to Mia’s Mum (Year 6 parent - Elaine Anderson) or pop to see the class teacher or a member of the office team to inform them that you can help and the message will be passed along. You may have an idea for a stall or a game you would like to run, or you may prefer to see what stalls need manning and offer to slot in where there is a need. Either way, we will be grateful for your help.



INSET Day – Monday 3rd June

The school will be closed on Monday 3rd June for in-service staff training. We will re-open on Tuesday 4th June.



Wraparound Care – Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club

We are now up and running with our new online booking system for the Breakfast and After School Clubs. To safeguard children well, we need to ensure our wraparound care is adequately staffed for the number of children in attendance. Therefore, places must be booked and paid for in advance to reserve a slot. We are aware that on the odd occasion, a parent may wish to book their child in for the After School Club on the same day. In instances like this, please call the school to check if a space available and if so, the office staff will add your child to the attendance register and issue a charge to your account. Similarly, if you are running late, parents should call the school office to inform a member of staff of this. Thank you for your continued understanding and support.




Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Saturday 25th May – Start of Half-Term – SCHOOL CLOSED



Tuesday 4th June – SCHOOL REOPENS

Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th June – Year 6 Woodlands Residential Trip

Thursday 13th June – KS1 Sports Day – 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Thursday 13th June – Leavers’ Mass in Clifton for Year 6 pupils.

Monday 17th June – KS2 Sports Day - 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July – Year 4 Residential Trip to Pinkery

Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in St George’s Church – 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Friday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly – details to be confirmed.

Saturday 20th July – SCHOOL CLOSED for Summer Holidays