Wow Events.

British Science Week 2021
Children in every class took part in workshops run by Fizz Pop Science on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th March as part of British Science Week. Pupils set off rockets; tested materials and liquids; made bubbles, slime and sherbet. It was a wonderful to hear the shrieks of delight from the children who fully engaged in the practical science sessions. Most children were also able to take home the experiments they took part in . 
Art Wow!
July 2017.
We took part in the 'Taunton Live Festival'. 
Each class had a workshop delivered by Liz Hutchins.
We used the skills we learnt to produce wonderful artwork and put it on show in our own art gallery.
The artwork then got sent to the Brewhouse to be put on display during the summer festival.
Science Wow - Autumn Term 1.