1 March 2024 - Newsletter

1st March 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

On Thursday, we held a farewell assembly for Mrs Spence, who retired this week. The children and staff gave her a lovely send-off, and she expressed her gratitude for the kindness and support she has received from the school community in her time here. She told me she will really miss seeing the children and her work family every day but promises to keep in touch. In fact, she will be attending the Year 3 trip to Caerleon next week, so thankfully we won’t have to wait too long to see her again! Mrs Spence, we wish you all the best in your retirement.


We had a visit from the Diocesan surveyor this week to discuss upcoming work that may take place over the summer holidays. We are always seeking for ways to improve our school grounds, and we are hopeful that we will be successful in some of our bids for financial support from the Diocese. We will keep you informed about any projects which may affect the school community.


Every week in our Gospel Worship, the children are set a ‘Go and Grow’ mission, which entails them taking the message of the Gospel that week to heart and finding ways to live out their faith by embodying that message.

This morning, I had the pleasure of joining Mrs Earp and some Year 5 children who are taking their ‘Go and Grow’ mission very seriously and finding ways to participate and spread some joy in the local community. The first group of children took their smiles, their cheery, can-do attitudes and some determination and went into the community to litter pick. We visited Nunsfield Court and Ellisfield Court, and both places looked all the better for the children’s efforts. The residents were very pleased with the outcome, and lots of smiles and well wishes were exchanged.

At Lunchtime, a second group visited the Open-Door charity to meet a volunteer, find out more about what the charity does for the homeless people of Taunton and how we as a school can better support them. The children asked lots of interesting questions and represented the school beautifully, giving up their time to find out how we can better support those less fortunate than us.

I am so proud of how the children in our school embrace the Gospel Values and try to live out their faith daily. Thank you to Mrs Earp for organising these outings and reminding us of all of the power of faith in action.


Cafod Lenten Campaign

As you know, at St. George’s School we support our friends at CAFOD in their mission to bring hope and the chance of a better life to the world’s poorest people. We do not believe poverty is a part of God’s plan, but rather that we should all work together to lessen its effects by sharing what we have with those who have so much less.

With this in mind, we would like you to help us in supporting their Lenten campaign. This year, we are setting children the challenge of filling up their class Cafod Box with spare change and pocket money.

In supporting Cafod, your money goes a long way.

  • Just 1p and 2p can vaccinate 10 children against life-threatening diseases.
  • Your 20p and 50p can buy a treated mosquito net that keeps children safe from malaria.
  • £1 and £2 will be used to provide clean water for 3 families.

So please help us by encouraging members of your family, including children and grandparents/relatives, to reach into their pockets/piggy banks and donate their spare coins to our class Cafod boxes.

This Lent, when we put our small change together, we can make a BIG difference!


Staffing Update

The wonderful Mrs Weetch, who has been with us at St George’s for 14 years, has decided it is time to have a change of pace from September onwards. As you can imagine, it is equally demanding and rewarding working in the EYFS (Early Year Foundation Stage) and every pupil, parent and staff member who knows Mrs Weetch is aware of what an excellent practitioner she is. She is hardworking, caring, warm, approachable and gives every ounce of herself to the role. For years, we have all admired her calm and composed manner, her gentle and positive approach and her skill and dedication in helping the children to develop and grow as learners. I am only one of many parents who have entrusted their children into her capable and nurturing hands, and I feel very blessed and thankful that my child’s first year at St George’s was spent in the care of such an experienced and inspiring teacher. As a Headteacher, and personally as a mother, I am immeasurably grateful to Mrs Weetch for her dedication to our school and our pupils and for the positive impact she has made to the lives our of littlest pupils.

Although she is sad that this year will be her last in Reception Class, Mrs Weetch is excited for the future as she is escaping to the countryside where she will be getting out, getting active and getting back to nature.

She is not looking on this as a retirement, but as a change of pace and an opportunity to embrace a more rustic, outdoors lifestyle. She has reassured her St George’s family though, that she will continue to be a supporter of the school. She has kindly offered to continue her role as Trustee to the St George’s Pre-School and intends to do some volunteer work and even some supply teaching here. Knowing that we will still see Mrs Weetch on a regular basis makes it a little easier to see her go. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere and heartfelt thanks to a most excellent teacher and an all-around wonderful human being for her enormous contribution to our school.

From all your St George’s friends and family, thank you and good luck Mrs Weetch!



As you may know, it is a statutory requirement for all schools to monitor attendance. In line with our attendance policy, we must monitor attendance percentages and inform families by letter if the percentage has dropped below a certain figure. Some families will be receiving letters this week.

As a school, we are committed to working with families to ensure that our pupils have the best attendance possible so they can make the most of their learning opportunities. Please be assured, we understand that children get ill and there have been lots of bugs around this winter season. Many absences are unavoidable, and we are fully aware of this.

At the same time, it is important to keep children’s attendance as consistent as possible and our intentions in writing to you are to keep you informed of your child’s current attendance figures and to offer to work with you in any way, we can to ensure the highest levels of attendance possible for your child.

As a Headteacher, I am required to meet with a Somerset County School Engagement Officer every term to discuss attendance figures at the school.  At this meeting, we discuss every child whose attendance has fallen below the expected level, and the Engagement Officer will check that school is robust in the actions it takes to address any attendance concerns. This term’s meeting will take place later this month.


Absence Procedure – a Message from the School Office

Please can we remind you that we require parents/carers to phone the school office daily to let them know if a child is being kept at home due to illness. Thank you for your support with this.


World Book Day – a Message from Mrs Carpenter

World Book Day takes place on Thursday 7th March, and we hope you’ll join in celebrating the occasion. We would love for your child to dress up as their favourite character or bring in a prop from their favourite book.

We’ll be hosting a book swap after school; please bring in any unwanted books by Wednesday 6th March. Whether or not you’ve got a book to bring along to swap, come and browse and find something you might like to read.

We’re very much looking forward to celebrating World Book Day.


Red Nose Day

We are pleased to support the upcoming Red Nose Day. We will hold a mufti day on Friday 15th March, 2024. Please send your child to school wearing red with a suggested donation of £1. Click here for further information on how your money helps, how to get involved and for online access to the Red Nose Day shop.



Have You Paid Your Amenities/Swimming Contributions?

Please can I remind all parents and carers that each year, we ask for a voluntary contribution of

£10 per term per child for swimming, and £10 per term for each family for School Amenities.

The school has always traditionally asked parents and carers for an amenity contribution. The Amenities Fund allows the school to give children extra opportunities and experiences such as visiting artists, performers and sport companies. We feel it is crucial that the children continue to have these WOW moments and with the rising costs of funding school everts and maintaining and running the swimming pool, we would really appreciate your contribution to allow this to continue.


Payments for Swimming and Amenities can be paid online, details are as follows:


Bank Account Number: 02887152 Sort-Code: 30-98-45

Please quote reference S for Swimming and A for Amenities



Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell



Upcoming Dates:  

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day

Friday 8th March – in school Penitential Service for KS2 children

Wednesday 13th March – Year 5 Mass in Church at 9.30am – parents welcome

Friday 15th March – Red Nose Day (Comic Relief)

Friday 22nd March – End of Term Mass in School – parents welcome

Wednesday 27th March – Stations of the Cross – 9.30am in the School Hall – parents welcome

Friday 29th March – Good Friday – SCHOOL CLOSED for EASTER BREAK

Monday 15th April – SCHOOL OPEN

Tuesday 23rd April – St George’s Day Mass in Church – parents welcome

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday – SCHOOL CLOSED

Thursday 9th May – Ascension Day Mass in Church, 9.30am – parents welcome

Week beginning Monday 13th May – Key Stage Two SATS Week