Speaking and Listening

Speaking and Listening


Talking is fundamental to a pupil's learning. All pupils are encouraged and helped to talk clearly, confidently and with expression in order to communicate ideas and feelings.

Similarly, and just as importantly, is the need to listen carefully and respond appropriately.

All children are provided with opportunities in all areas of the curriculum to develop skills when speaking and listening.


In order to respond to the many needs of our pupils who may speak more than one language at home, we offer, where possible, a practical and experienced based curriculum which is wide and vocabulary rich.

Our Reception Class has been involved in the Neli Intervention Programme and the Helicopter Stories programme has been used this year to improve spoken literacy in EYFS. It is our intention to extend this intervention to Class One.

Please see the links below for further information. 

Children have been taking part in 'Talk About' Intervention in Class Three and Class Six this year. 

Many classes have Show and Tell sessions on a weekly basis. Please see the cue cards below which could help your child to prepare for a Show and Tell.

Talk to Your Partner (TTYP) is well established across the school and has been seen in action in monitoring sessions this year. 

We have Wow events which are designed to promote speaking and listening and we plan in opportunities for children to speak publicly across the year both in school and in church. 

We held a dedicated speaking and listening Wow Event last year which inspired children to present to peers across the school .

Children who take part in sporting events are invited to report to the school in assemblies. 

Our weekly Golden Book Assembly allows children the chance to talk to the whole school about achievements. 

We have a Debating Club and a Poetry Step to enrich the experience of our most confident speakers and opportunity is found to speak to large groups in church and through school plays and assemblies

There is a listening station in the Key Stage Two library. 

Children are invited to speak to teachers and governors regularly at pupil interviews and at Lunch Bunch which is a pupil voice forum. 

We have an annual Nativity Play for Key Stage One and there is a Class Six play each year which provides children with a formal setting for public speaking in front of a large audience each year.