24th May 2024


24th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

Due to having a number of additional issues around online behaviour this week, we have decided to re-print the information that has previously gone out to parents around electronic devices and online safety:


I had a visit from two of our PCSO’s this week, Mark and Jack, who have offered to come into school this term to support us in talking to our Year 5 and 6 pupils about online safety. Children are having access to mobile phones and tablets at an increasingly early age, and there are of course positives and negatives to this.

On the positive side, if monitored appropriately online access can help children to stay connected to friends and family and can provide them with access to educational resources and age-appropriate entertainment.

On the other hand, online access that is not age-appropriate or well-monitored can leave children open to cyber-bullying, screen addiction, sleep disturbances, reduced physical activity, reduced face-to-face contact and the development of self-esteem issues.

We have had some issues reported to us in Upper Key Stage 2 around children’s online behaviour. We would therefore encourage parents to place age-appropriate restrictions on their child’s phone/tablet and to monitor their messages and what they are accessing online. It is often a lack of understanding on the child’s part that can lead them to doing or saying unkind/inappropriate things online. Our PCSO’s are going to deliver an age-appropriate presentation around online safety and answer any questions the children may have. We feel this will be very beneficial and having met the PCSOs, they are friendly, approachable and keen to support our pupils in a positive and encouraging manner.

The PCSO visits are booked to take place after the half-term break.

29/09/23: Mobile Phones / Electronic devices

It is our school procedure that pupils should not bring mobile phones or other electronic devices, such as smart watches, to school.

The parents of Year 6 pupils who walk to and from school without an accompanying adult sometimes feel it is necessary for their child to carry a mobile phone for safety on the days that they are walking home. In this instance, the following procedure must be followed:

  • Pupils are not permitted to use mobile phones or any other electronic devices during school hours.
  • Devices should be given to the relevant staff member upon arrival at school and collected at the end of the day. The school day includes Breakfast Club and After School Club, for those children who attend.


As children do not have access to their phones, and therefore to messages from parent’s during the school day, we would ask you to contact the school office if you need to clarify or update any details for your child around collection/walking home etc. during the school day. Thank you for your understanding with this.

As you know, we want to support our pupils and families through any issues or concerns, and therefore we would encourage you to get in touch if you would like to meet to discuss anything. We are here to help.


St George’s Summer Fete

Our Summer Fete is returning this year on Saturday 6th July and preparations are well underway. Thank you to all the parents who kindly offered their support so far– it is much appreciated, and it is reassuring to know many of our most popular stalls/events are returning.

There is still time to volunteer - speak to Mia’s Mum (Year 6 parent - Elaine Anderson) or pop to see the class teacher or a member of the office team to inform them that you can help and the message will be passed along. You may have an idea for a stall or a game you would like to run, or you may prefer to see what stalls need manning and offer to slot in where there is a need. Either way, we will be grateful for your help.


Rainbow Raffle/ Non-Uniform Day – Friday 21st June

We will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 21st June in return for donations to our Summer Fete Rainbow Raffle. Further details for each class’s colour and suggested donations to follow.



INSET Day – Monday 3rd June

The school will be closed on Monday 3rd June for in-service staff training. We will re-open on Tuesday 4th June.


Wraparound Care – Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club

A polite reminder that places must now be booked and paid for in advance to reserve a slot at Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club. We have noticed that some families have not yet begun to use the new system.

We are aware that on the odd occasion, a parent may wish to book their child in for the After School Club on the same day. In instances like this, please call the school to check if a space available and if so, the office staff will add your child to the attendance register and issue a charge to your account. Similarly, if you are running late, parents should call the school office to inform a member of staff of this. Thank you for your continued understanding and support.



Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Saturday 25th May – Start of Half-Term – SCHOOL CLOSED



Tuesday 4th June – SCHOOL REOPENS

Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th June – Year 6 Woodlands Residential Trip

Thursday 13th June – KS1 Sports Day – 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Thursday 13th June – Leavers’ Mass in Clifton for Year 6 pupils.

Monday 17th June – KS2 Sports Day - 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Friday 21st June – Non-Uniform Day for Rainbow Raffle donation.

Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July – Year 4 Residential Trip to Pinkery

Saturday 6th July – St George’s Summer Fete 12pm onwards

Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in St George’s Church – 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Friday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly – details to be confirmed.

Saturday 20th July – SCHOOL CLOSED for Summer Holidays