24th February 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
TEACHER STRIKE UPDATE The next scheduled teacher’s strike day is on Thursday, 2nd March.
Class 5 will be closed for the day. If your child is a member of this classroom, please keep them at home on Thursday, 2nd March.
All other classes are open. If you have a child in a classroom that is open, it is a legal requirement to send them to school.
Children from certain groups may still come to school if they are a member of a striking class. We will phone these families individually to speak to parents about this.
As striking teachers cannot be asked to produce work, we recommend children complete the following at home on Thursday 2nd March:
Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during this time. There are two more planned upcoming strike dates: Wednesday 15th March and Thursday 16th March. Further information will be provided on how our school will be affected on these dates when we know more. If you have any questions, please contact the school on the office email or telephone number at the top of this letter.
Our Year 5 children went to Kilve Court this week on their 3-day residential trip. I dropped by on Wednesday afternoon to see them and they were having lots of fun. When I arrived, the children were eating their lunch in the sunshine in a very pretty garden area on the grounds. They were full of enthusiasm and I was delighted to see so many children smiling. After lunch, the instructor took the children on a lovely long stomp across the fields to Kilve Beach. Here, I could hear squeals of delight as children hunted for fossils and found some pretty treasures in the form of colourful pebbles and seashells. Despite the nip in the air, the children were very pleased to have an ice-cream at the near-by tea gardens, and it wasn’t long before we arrived back at Kilve. One of the great things about a residential trip is the opportunity the children have to be a little more independent. They enjoyed their free time, playing with the outdoor equipment and hanging out in their rooms. I joined the children for a very tasty dinner of macaroni cheese and spaghetti Bolognese, and left just before they entered the night maze with their torches! Mrs Rolf was so impressed with the children throughout the rest of the trip. They gave their all to the activities and settled well at night times. It is likely that the children will be quite tired after their adventures this week. Thank you so much to Mrs Rolf, Miss Droba and Mrs McNamara for giving up their time to ensure the children had such a fantastic opportunity at Kilve.
World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March
Next Thursday is World Book Day. We are asking the children and staff to come to school in their pyjamas, and we will celebrate by reading a bedtime story in a whole school assembly. There are a few practicalities to consider for this day. The children will need to be warm enough, so if their pyjamas are light, you may wish to add a base layer or long t-shirt underneath. We encourage children wearing a dressing gown to ensure they are cosy and warm, but don’t forget they will still need a coat, as they will go outside at playtime and lunchtime. They may wear slippers around the school, but they will definitely need shoes or trainers to go outside, to ensure they can play safely and avoid any unnecessary trips or slips. We are looking forward to a cosy day and sharing a story together.
Friday 3rd March – Wow Writing Event
A whole school Wow Writing event will take place on Friday, 3rd March. This exciting day has been organised by Mrs Carpenter, who looks forward to updating you on the events of the day in due course. Watch this space!
To celebrate the children becoming writers for the day, we have decided to have a non-uniform day to reward their anticipated hard work! Please add this to your calendars at home and remember to send your child to school in non-uniform.
Friday 3rd March – Class 3 Trip to Caerlion
Mr Lake has organised a trip to the National Roman Legion Museum in Caerllion which I am sure will be a very exciting day for all the Children and, I look forward to reporting back to parents next week on how they got on.
School Disco/Movie Night
Thank you for your patience in waiting for news on the rearranged date for the KS1 disco and KS2 movie night. The Parent Support Group will hold the event on Friday 10 March from 3.00pm until 4.30pm and if you have not yet returned the slip and paid for your child to go, please can you pop into the school office and arrange for this to be done so your child doesn’t miss out. As ever, we are very grateful to all the parents giving up their time to help plan and support such exciting events for our children. If you are interested in helping in any way, please do get in touch with the school office.
Best wishes,
Edwina McDonnell
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, 2nd March – World Book Day – wear pyjamas
Thursday 2nd March – Teacher’s Strikes – Class 5 closed
Friday 3rd March – Wow Writing Day – wear non-uniform
Friday 3rd March – Class 3 Trip to Caerllion
Friday 10th March – KS1 Disco and KS2 Movie Night – change of clothes to school that day
Wednesday 29th March – Stations of the Cross in School – 9.30am. Parents welcome.