16th June 2023 - Newsletter

16th June 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

It must be the Summer Term: the sun is shining; the children are coming to school glistening with the sheen of suncream on their skin and teachers are busy toiling away in the evenings writing end of year reports! It is a common misconception that things ‘wind down’ at this time of year in schools, but I can certainly confirm that the staff are working as hard as ever, putting in so many additional hours to ensure the children can continue learning and growing right until the end of the school year. With such good role models, it is no surprise that the children are working hard, too.

On Wednesday, the Year 6 children and staff attended the Leaver’s Mass at Clifton and they were a credit to their teachers and their school. It was so wonderful to see all the Year 6 children from the Diocese gathered in celebration of their time at primary school to share their prayers for a successful onward journey to secondary school. We were all so proud of our Year 6’s and I can assure you they represented our school with quiet grace and a real sense of pride. Well done to all involved.

There was great joy this morning as an excitable bunch of Year 2 pupils readied themselves to board their bus and head to Bristol to visit the SS Great Britain. Mrs Carpenter and the Year 2 team had made careful preparations for the trip, and I had a message to say how much fun the day had been. Thank you to the dedicated staff members at our school for providing the children with such wonderful and fun opportunities.


PSG (Parent Support Group) for the Summer Fete

If there are any parents who would still like to offer their support in helping with our school Summer Fete, do get in touch with the school office by emailing office@stgeorgestaunton.uk and your details will be passed on to the PSG. Alternatively, you may see Laura (Hayden in Year 4’s Mum) on the playground at drop-off or after school with a clip board. She has lots of opportunities to offer to parents who are new to supporting the event, so do catch her to have a chat about how you can help. We greatly appreciate your support.


Sports Day

Key Stage 1 Sports Day is next Thursday, 22nd June from 1.30pm onwards. Parents are welcome. As always, please ensure you child has a sun hat, sun cream and water bottle. Thank you.


Please scroll down for key dates and information regarding Mr C’s Holiday Camps.



Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell





Mr Chidgey’s Summer Holiday clubs


Tuesday 8th August

Wednesday 9th August

Wednesday 16th August

Wednesday 23rd August


9pm – 3pm – drop off available from 8.45am


£25 per day.


The day will include – Basketball, Dodgeball wars, Football, Tennis, Jailball, Rounders.

The day will also include Swimming.

You will need!

Packed lunch, Water bottle, Swimming kit, Sun cream, Sun hat.


To book please email - jakechidgey@gmail.com – Payment will be required prior to the event.


Mr Chidgey




Upcoming Dates:  

Monday 19th June – Year 1 Trip to Bristol Aquarium

Thursday 22nd June – KS1 Sports Day – 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Friday 23rd June – Mufti Day – Rainbow Raffle – information to follow from PSG.

Monday 26th June – KS2 Sports Day – 1.30 – 3.15pm. Parents welcome.

Wednesday 28th – Friday 30th June – Year 6 Residential Trip to Woodlands

Thursday 29th June – St Peter and St Paul Mass in Church – 9.30 am. Parents welcome.

Week beginning 3rd July – Islam Week – all classes will be learning about this faith in school.

Wednesday 5th July -Moving Up Day– children will meet their new teachers!

Thursday 6th – Friday 7th July – Year 4 Residential Trip to Pinkery

Friday, 14th July – Summer Fete – save the date - details to follow.

Tuesday 16th July – Year 6 Production Performance – 5pm – Year 6 parents’ welcome.

Wednesday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Mass in Church – 9.30 am in Church. Parents welcome.

Friday 21st July – Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly – more information to follow.