24th March 2023 - Newsletter


24th March 2023

Headteacher: Mrs Edwina McDonnell

                                                                                                                                27 March 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

On Wednesday, we enjoyed a lively and entertaining performance by Class 5 in their Class Assembly. We enjoyed hearing all about their trip to Kilve Court in February and were all so impressed with their fantastic descriptive writing and confident speaking. A highlight of the assembly was their energetic rendition of Bon Jovi’s ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’, which was so enjoyable. Well done to the children, Mrs Rolf and all the Year 5 staff who put so much energy into producing such an engaging event.

On Thursday, Mr Chidgey took a group of children from the school to a Gymnastics competition in Wellington. It is a fantastic achievement that the Year 3/4 group and the Year 5/6 group both won gold for their efforts! Congratulations to all involved for a fantastic job and Mr C has promised to write a full report with some photos for next week’s newsletter. Can we say a huge thank you to the wonderful parents who transported the children to and from the event. Without their support, the children couldn’t have taken part and we are so thankful.

Today the whole school took part in the Big Walk for CAFOD. Unfortunately, the weather was a little soggy and we all got quite wet! However, the children provided the sunshine with their cheery attitudes and lively spirits. And afterwards, when we arrived back at school and the sun came out in all its glory, we agreed that a wet walk is a very small price to pay when we consider the hardships that are suffered on a daily basis by our global neighbours. The money raised, a fantastic £175, will go to support those who have been affected by disasters and emergencies, such as the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Thank you to Mrs Weetch for organising such a worthwhile event, to our volunteers from the church community, Mrs Tighe and Mrs Hart who joined us on our soggy adventure, and to our pupils and parents for their much-appreciated contributions.


Morning Drop-Off

Today, it was brought to my attention that a large group of children had being left unattended on the playground this morning before school. Please could we remind parents that children must not be left unattended on the playground at any time. The school provides supervision for pupils in several ways before school. Breakfast Club is available, at a cost, from 7.45am onwards. Wake and Shake Club is available for free from 8.40am onwards, and at 8.50am, classrooms are opened to all pupils.

If your child is not attending Breakfast Club or Wake and Shake, they remain under parental responsibility and must be supervised. We encourage you to make use of our clubs, or to approach a parent already on the playground who may be happy to ‘keep an eye’ on your child for a few minutes before classrooms open. For instance, in speaking to Mr Oaten, he mentioned that he and a few other parents already do this if asked and would be happy to help if needed. We appreciate your support in ensuring your child is appropriately supervised in the mornings to ensure all children are kept safe and well.


Attendance Letters

It is a statutory requirement for all schools to monitor attendance and to be robust in the actions taken to tackle any attendance concerns. In line with our attendance policy, we must monitor attendance percentages and send letters to families where the percentages drop below a certain figure. As Headteacher and also as a parent myself, I am fully aware that it may feel jarring to receive an attendance letter. We would like to reassure parents that we are committed to working with families to ensure that our pupils have the best attendance possible so they an make the most of their learning opportunities. We understand that children do get ill and there have been so many bugs around this winter season. Many absences are unavoidable and we are aware of this.

However, where possible it is important to keep children’s attendance as strong as possible and our intentions in writing to you are to keep you informed of your child’s current attendance figures and to offer to work with you in any way we can to ensure the highest levels of attendance possible for your child.


Important Message on Ordering Hot Meals

We had a tricky few days this week when it transpired that many children were awaiting hot meals that had not been ordered for them. Please can we politely remind parents of the importance of sending your child to school with a lunch box on the days you have not ordered a hot meal. Our caterers measure out the portions of the meals very rigorously, and there is little or no wiggle room for providing extra meals. Please can you review the week ahead and ensure you provide a lunch box next week on the days your child is not booked to have a hot meal. The menus for after Easter are available online now.


Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Wednesday 29th March – Stations of the Cross in School – 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Thursday 30th March – End of Term Mass in School at 9.30am

Saturday 1st April – SCHOOL CLOSES for the Easter Break

Monday 17th April – SCHOOL OPEN

Wednesday 19th April, St George’s Day Start of Term Mass in Church, 9.30am

Friday 21st April – St George’s Day Races

Wednesday 10th May – KS1 and KS2 Marian Procession – 1.45pm / 2.30 pm

Sunday 14th May – Family Mass/School link Mass- 9.15am in Church

Thursday 18th May – Ascension Day Mass in Church – 9.30am

Thursday 29th June – St Peter and St Paul Mass in Church – 9.30 am

Wednesday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Mass in Church – 9.30 am in Church