3 March 2023 - Newsletter

3rd March 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School


Our Year 3 children went to the National Roman Legion Museum in Caerleon today. I popped onto the bus before they departed to wish the children a happy day out and a safe journey to the museum. To Mr Lake’s embarrassment, I also wished him a very happy birthday in front of the whole bus. Then, to his surprise and delight, the parents who were waiting to wave the children off all burst into song and gave their best rendition of the ‘Happy Birthday’ song! What a wonderful birthday treat, and a cheerful start to the trip. I have had a message from Mr Lake this afternoon to say that the children have had a wonderful day. Hopefully, the children will be full of enthusiasm on their return to tell parents all about their adventures in Caerleon.


We have also had our Wow Writing event in school today. The day began with a whole school Wow Assembly, and was followed by exciting activities in every class, aimed at inspiring and developing children’s writing. I popped around to see our budding writers at work, and I was so impressed by the children’s enthusiasm, creativity and effort. Do check our Twitter page for photos and updates about the day, and ask your child about their experience of the day when they get home. Find and follow us using our Twitter name @StGeorgesTauntn and here is the link to the page: https://twitter.com/stgeorgestauntn?lang=en


World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March

What a treat it was to see the children and staff dressed up, or should I say dressed down, in their pyjamas on Thursday! We celebrated World Book Day with a whole school assembly. The children arrived in the Hall to find that their Headteacher was fast asleep under a Pokémon duvet, cuddling a Pikachu teddy! I woke up to find the children and staff patiently waiting for me to read them a bedtime story. I read ‘The Lion Inside’ to the children and afterwards decided I was so sleepy, I needed to get back into bed for another nap. The children were very good sports, and tiptoed back to class so I could enjoy my snooze. If they would like to hear the book again, we posted a recording of the story on the Google Classroom on Mrs McDonnell’s page yesterday. This was also posted on the Class 5 page for the children at home due to the strike taking place.


Teacher’s Strike – Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March

As a school, we appreciate that advance warning of school closures is very important and we would like to give parents as much notice as possible about the remaining strike dates for teachers. As of this afternoon, I can provide the following information:

Wednesday, 15th March 2023 – St George’s will be open for all classes.

Thursday 16th March 2023 – The following classes will close: Reception Class, Year 2 and Year 5.

I will inform parents if any other classes plan to close on the Thursday as soon as I know. Thank you in advance for your patience and support.


School Disco/Movie Night – Collection Arrangements

A reminder that the Parent Support Group will hold this event on Friday 10 March from 3.00pm until

4.30pm. If you have not yet returned the slip and paid for your child to go, please can you pop

into the school office and arrange for this to be done as soon as possible so your child doesn’t miss out.

The event will finish promptly at 4.30pm. We ask that you use the one-way system and park up on the top playground as usual. KS2 children should be collected from the playground by the Sports Hall. KS1 children and their KS2 siblings should be collected from the main school hall and we ask that parents come down the front steps and through the front door, as you would for parents evening. We hope this will help to avoid congestion and ensure the cars can move through the car park with greater ease.


After School Club – Friday 10 March 2023

Please can any parents that still require their child/children to go to After School Club on Friday 10 March contact the School office as soon as possible, in order that the necessary arrangements are put in place. After School Club will run until the usual time of 5:30pm if needed.


The Big Walk for CAFOD – Friday 24th March

This Lent, we are supporting CAFOD’s Lenten campaign to raise money for our global neighbours. The children will join together to walk a total of 200km and the money raised will go to support people who have been affected by emergencies such as the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. On Friday 24th March, please send your child to school in brightly-coloured clothes and a donation of £1 would be appreciated.


Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Monday 6th March – Lunch Bunch (School Council) - Reading Theme.

Friday 10th March – Penitential Service – Y4,5,6. 

Friday 10th March – KS1 Disco and KS2 Movie night – bring a change of clothes to school that day.

Wednesday 15th March – Reception Class Assembly – 3pm. Reception Class parents invited.

Thursday 16th March – Teachers’ Strike – please see information in the paragraph above.

Friday 24th March – The Big Walk for CAFOD– children to wear mufti; £1 donation appreciated.

Wednesday 29th March – Stations of the Cross in School – 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Thursday 30th March – End of Term Mass in School at 9.30am

Saturday 1st April – SCHOOL CLOSES for the Easter Break

Monday 17th April – SCHOOL OPEN

Wednesday 19th April, St George’s Day Start of Term Mass in School, 9.30am

Wednesday 10th May – KS1 and KS2 Marian Procession – 1.45pm / 2.30 pm

Sunday 14th May – Family Mass/School link Mass- 9.15am in Church

Thursday 18th May – Ascension Day Mass in Church – 9.30am

Thursday 29th June – St Peter and St Paul Mass in Church – 9.30 am

Wednesday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Mass in Church – 9.30 am in Church