7th July 2023 - Newsletter


July 2023

7th July 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

On Tuesday, Class 2 performed a very entertaining assembly to the school. I hadn’t realised how very talented the children are at singing and dancing, how confident they have become in performing to an audience or how much fun the teaching team in Year 2 had built into this academic year! What a joy it is to see the children learn and grow in mind, body and spirit in our fantastic school.

As I type, the Year 4 children are on their way back from their residential trip to Pinkery. I have had regular updates from the Year 4 teaching team and they have been very positive indeed! Apparently, the bog walk was muddier than ever after the recent rainy spell. Year 4 parents be warned - you may have some very muddy clothes to wash this weekend! Thank you to the children for their fantastic behaviour in representing their school in their time away, and to the staff who were so generous with their time in taking the children on a wonderful, muddy adventure!


Moving Up

The children met their new teachers on Wednesday morning this week and there was a lovely buzz of excitement across the school. I visited each class during this transition morning and I was greeted in every class by children who were listening intently and staff who were beaming at the prospect of the wonderful new classes who would soon be in their care. I know that there are two weeks left in this academic year and that we have a 6-week holiday in-between, but I can’t help but feel a little excited about another year at St George’s. It is such a special place, with such fantastic staff and pupils, and a wonderful community of parents who support us. We really are very lucky.


Summer Fete

Below is a message from our Parent Support Group regarding the upcoming Summer Fete.

Thank you in advance for your support – it is so appreciated.

Summer Fete Volunteers

We still require a few more volunteers to help run stalls on the day from 2:30pm on 14th July. Even if you can spare an hour, it would be fantastic. Some of our ex-pupils from St George’s are kindly coming to help but they won’t be able to make it to the school until 3:30pm, so we will need some additional helpers for that first hour.

Rainbow Raffle

Please remember to bring your completed ticket stubs and money to the office as soon as possible. All entries will need to be in the office by 9:30am on Friday 14th ready for the draw. The winners will be announced at the fete on the 14th.

Pop up Gazebos

If you can lend the school a gazebo for the fete day, please bring this in on Thursday 13th July.


We would be grateful for donations of cakes on the day of the fete. Please bring your cakes to the busy room on the morning of Friday 14th July.

Toys, Books, Games and Uniform

Please remember to bring in your good quality donations to the office as soon as possible.


RE Parent Survey

We value your views on the RE and Catholic Life of our school. As such, we ask that you complete an RE Parent Survey. Your comments help us to improve our practice.

For instance, last year the survey responses made us aware that parents would like more information on their child’s learning in RE. Therefore this year, I have asked teachers to include a comment on RE in every child’s End of Year report, along with a grade for their attainment, effort and progress. We valued hearing your thoughts and are pleased to develop our processes to ensure parents can connect with their child’s learning at school.

The link to the survey is as follows: https://forms.office.com/e/TySicYgB9c

Thank you in advance for your time and we look forward to receiving your feedback so we can develop our provision.



Holiday Clubs

I have included dates and information below for some additional holiday camps being held at St George’s School this summer.


Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell



Girls Football training & Boys football on the following dates.


25th & 26th July Girls Football & Boys Football (Lead: Mrs Ely)


1st & 2nd August Girls Football & Boys Football (Lead:  Mrs Ely)


15th August Girls Football & Boys Football (Lead: Mr White)

Times: 9am - 3pm (Drop off from 8.45am).


Cost: £25.00


The day is to follow a similar format as previous girls events which includes swimming in the afternoon.


Please note interest on the following web form:





Upcoming Dates:  

Friday, 14th July – Summer Fete – save the date - details to follow.

Tuesday 18th July – Year 6 Production Performance – 5pm – Year 6 parents welcome.

Wednesday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Mass in Church – 9.30 am in Church. Parents welcome.

Friday 21st July – Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly – more information to follow

Monday 4th September – INSET Day – SCHOOL CLOSED

Tuesday 5th September – SCHOOL OPEN