17th March 2023
Happy St Patrick’s Day! It was lovely to see the children dressed brightly today – in green for St Patrick’s Day or in red for Red Nose Day. In some cases, the children had pragmatically worn red and green. What a cheerful sight to see!
A highlight of the week was certainly Reception Class’s Assembly. The children were so confident in their performance. What fantastic singers and clear, confident speakers they are – the staff and parents alike were suitably impressed with them. It was so lovely to welcome parents in so they could find out about what the children are learning about and to see the progress they have made since starting in September. We aim that every class will perform to their parents in a class assembly before the end of the academic year. Watch this space - your child’s teacher will write to you in the coming weeks and months to inform you of the selected date for the upcoming performance.
The Big Walk for CAFOD – Friday 24th March
This Lent, we are supporting CAFOD’s Lenten campaign to raise money for our global neighbours. The children will join together to walk a total of 200km and the money raised will go to support people who have been affected by emergencies such as the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. On Friday 24th March, please send your child to school in their own, brightly-coloured clothes and a donation of £1 would be appreciated.
Year 5 – Class Assembly
A reminder for the parents of our Year 5 children that they will be holding their class assembly on Wednesday 22nd March at 3pm. This will take place in the main school hall. Please do arrive before the start time to secure a seat as it is sure to be an exciting event! We will open the car park gates at 2.50pm. Can we request that if you do take photos, that you do not share these on social media if they have other children in them. Thank you.
School Uniform
We have attached a copy of our school uniform policy this week as a reminder of our expectations around smart school uniform. Please can you ensure that you child wears black/navy school shoes (not boots) or black/navy trainers (not brightly coloured trainers). Please read the uniform policy for further information. We appreciate your support with this.
The school’s overall attendance is declining, and although some of this can be accounted for by unavoidable absences related to illness, a high percentage is related to families taking holidays in term time. We would like to politely remind parents that it is a legal requirement to ensure their children are in attendance at school, except when they are unable to attend due to illness. There are 175 days (including holidays and weekends) in which families can book holidays, and we would ask that families take any holidays during these permitted days. Term time holidays cannot be authorised, and the school is required to consult with the Attendance Officer at Education Safeguarding Services about persistent offenders.
Best wishes,
Edwina McDonnell
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday 22nd March – Year 5 Assembly – 3pm. Year 5 parents invited.
Friday 24th March – The Big Walk for CAFOD – children to wear mufti; £1 donation appreciated.
Wednesday 29th March – Stations of the Cross in School – 9.30am. Parents welcome.
Thursday 30th March – End of Term Mass in School at 9.30am
Saturday 1st April – SCHOOL CLOSES for the Easter Break
Monday 17th April – SCHOOL OPEN
Wednesday 19th April, St George’s Day Start of Term Mass in Church, 9.30am
Wednesday 10th May – KS1 and KS2 Marian Procession – 1.45pm / 2.30 pm
Sunday 14th May – Family Mass/School link Mass- 9.15am in Church
Thursday 18th May – Ascension Day Mass in Church – 9.30am
Thursday 29th June – St Peter and St Paul Mass in Church – 9.30 am
Wednesday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Mass in Church – 9.30 am in Church