21 April 2023 - Newsletter


April 2023

21st April 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School


The children have settled in nicely after the Easter holidays. We hope our families had an enjoyable break and made lots of memories together. This week, we celebrated the start of the Summer Term with a lovely whole school Mass in Church.


We were also delighted to hold our annual St George’s Races today. Mr Chidgey put the children through their paces and many a dragon was slain! Well done to all who took part in an enjoyable event.


Some of you may be aware that a beloved member of our St George’s community, Jo Harris, passed away recently. A service was held this week in St George’s Church for her family and friends to celebrate her life. She was mother to two of our cherished past pupils, Chloe and Pippa Harris, and wife to her devoted husband, Phil. Those who knew Jo all greatly mourn her loss, and should you wish to mark her passing, the family have asked for donations in her name to St Margaret’s Hospice Care.


Family Mass – 14th May


We would like to make you aware that we will be having a ‘family Mass’ on Sunday 14th May at St George’s Church, at 9.15am. This will be a Marian themed Mass, and the choir will lead the hymns. If your child would like to take part, there are some reading parts available. Please do ask your child to let me know as soon as possible if they are interested and (numbers dependant) we will try to ensure they can take part.


Year 3 – Class Assembly


A reminder for the parents of our Year 3 children that they will be holding their class assembly on Wednesday 26th April at 3pm. This will take place in the main school hall. Please do arrive early to secure a seat as it is sure to be an exciting event! We will open the car park gates at 2.50pm. Can we request that if you do take photos, that you do not share these on social media if they have other children in them. Thank you.


The King’s Coronation


The King’s coronation will take place on Saturday 6th May. To celebrate, we will hold a whole school picnic and have some activities on Friday, 5th May. If any parents are available to help to set up for the lunch and tidy away afterwards, we would be grateful if you could email the school office to let Mrs Gordge know that you can help. Thank you in advance for your support.

We will be asking children to bring a packed lunch for this event. Please do not order a hot meal for this day, and if you have already done so, this will be cancelled and the cost refunded. If you would however like Bishops Fox’s to provide a packed lunch for your child then please contact the school office.



Please can I remind all parents and carers that each year, we ask for a voluntary contribution of £10 per term per child for swimming, and £10 per term for each family for School Amenities.

The school has always traditionally asked parents and carers for an amenity contribution. The Amenities Fund allows the school to give children extra opportunities and experiences such as visiting artists, performers and sport companies. We feel it is crucial that the children continue to have these WOW moments and particularly with the rising costs of maintaining and running the swimming pool, we would really appreciate your contribution to allow this to continue.

Payments for Swimming and Amenities can be paid online, details are as follows:

                                      Bank Account Number: 02887152 Sort-Code: 30-98-45                                                                     PLEASE QUOTE S FOR SWIMMING AND FOR A FOR AMENITIES


Car Park


Please can I give a polite reminder about some of the rules of our car park which are in place to keep our school community, especially our pupils, safe.

In the morning, we have a drop-off policy in place to ensure we avoid congestion. If there are spaces available in the parent car park, please feel free to reverse and park only into these. However, drivers are not permitted to park in the main thoroughfare (the middle of the car park which acts as a driving lane). I have noticed an increase in people parking here and walking their children down to the playground. I understand the temptation to do this, but it blocks other drivers from moving through the one-way system, and this morning the traffic was backed the whole way up the lane to the road because of this.

We do ask that parents try to consider the wider impact on the whole school community. What we think will take us just a moment to achieve can cause a knock-on effect for other drivers, and when one person breaks the rules, often others follow and the effect becomes even greater.

Can I also remind parents there is strictly no parking in the staff car park at any time.

Thank you for your support in sticking to these rules, which are there for the safety and benefit of all our St George’s community.


Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Wednesday, 26th April – Year 3 Class Assembly. Parents of this year group welcome to attend.

Monday 1st May – Bank Holiday -SCHOOL CLOSED

Friday 5th May – Whole School Picnic for the King’s Coronation

Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday – SCHOOL CLOSED

Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th May – KS2 SATS WEEK

Wednesday 10th May – KS1 and KS2 Marian Procession – 1.45pm / 2.30 pm

Sunday 14th May – Family Mass/School link Mass- 9.15am in Church

Thursday 18th May – Ascension Day Mass in Church – 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Thursday 29th June – St Peter and St Paul Mass in Church – 9.30 am. Parents welcome.

Wednesday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Mass in Church – 9.30 am in Church. Parents welcome.